How to get my National Insurance Number (NIN)?

How to get my National Insurance Number (NIN)?

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The National Insurance Number (NIN) is an identifier - used by different departments such as UK administration, employers, polling stations, etc. - which uniquely identifies an individual.


This identifier is issued by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

To avoid fraud, do not share your NIN with any person or organisation that does not really need it.

National Insurance Number (NIN): social security number

The National Insurance Number gives you access to many rights like working in the UK, getting your driving license, getting a student scholarship, etc. - but also, paying your taxes.

In Great Britain, you pay social contributions which give you access to certain rights and to retirement.

You must pay these social contributions if you are over 16 years of age and:

  • are employed and earn over £183 net per week
  • are self-employed and make a profit of at least £6,475 per year

The National Insurance Number is the identifier that allows you to associate the payment of these social contributions with your person.

This identifier is assigned to you for life.

It is very easy and completely free to obtain your National Insurance Number :

  1. Call Jobcentre Plus at the following number: +44 800 141 2075 (open Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm)
  2. Your advisor will schedule a meeting for you at the Jobcentre Plus closest to you
  3. You will then receive a paper form to fill out - as well as a list of documents to present on the day of your interview (identity card or passport, residence permit if necessary, certificate birth, etc.)
  4. Go to the interview

The interview lasts on average 20 min - but the waiting time can be long!

  1. Your NIN will arrive in your mailbox within 3 weeks on average.