Aline Del

£22 /heure

WC2R - Westminster


FRENCH TEACHER With two Master's Degrees in Teaching French and Foreign Languages, I have taught both children and adult students from countries all over the world. I have over ten years of teaching experience and teach French to all levels. I speak English, German, Spanish and Chinese too. AN INTERACTIVE AND EFFICIENT TEACHING METHOD Although oral communication is offen a priority, the courses focus on developing the four communication skills : listening, speaking, reading and writing. Through enjoyable activities, you will quickly be able to express yourself naturally with fluency. Your study plan will be based on your experience and interests. We will set goals to monitor your progress, in so doing your lessons will be personalized. They can focus on grammar, help your work towards examinations, improve your communications in business, or just help you achieve more fluent communication skills. Venues for individual lessons can be flexible : online, Zoom, Skype

FRENCH TEACHER With two Master's Degrees in Teaching French and Foreign Languages, I have taught both children and adult students from countries all over the world. I have over ten years of teaching experience and teach French to all levels. I speak...

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Student Profile


Âge :

Not specified

Status :

Not specified

Availability :

Not specified


Language(s) :

Language :

Not specified

Level(s) :

Level :

Not specified

Course type :

Course location :

Course location :

Rate :

Not specified

1st lesson offered :
