Pozzo di San Patrizio

Historical Buildings

4 / 5 (2 reviews)
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What's included

  • Entrance ticket

What's not included

  • Guided tour

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The Pozzo di San Patrizio (the Well of St Patrick), with its helicoidal staircase and double ramp, is a masterpiece of hydraulic engineering. * Conceived by Antonio da Sangallo in 1527, it's one of the main monuments of Orvieto. Alongside the beauty of its design, it also grants guests an insight into how denizens of the region would have retrieved water in the past. With 496 steps, you won't leave feeling jealous of life in the past.

Instant ticket delivery 
Duration: 2h
Smartphone tickets accepted 

How to get there?

Pozzo di San Patrizio

Piazza Cahen 5B

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