Museum of Vancouver

Museums & Galleries

4.7 / 5 (15 reviews)
See tickets

What's included

  • Access to the Museum of Vancouver *Access to the permanent and temporary exhibitions

Where to buy your tickets?

11.39 €

More info

To get to the heart of Vancouver and really understand its identity as a city, you first need to know its history. * The MOV is dedicated to encouraging a deeper understanding of Vancouver and its residents through stories, objects, and shared experiences. * Journey through the decades, find out what life was like in Vancouver during different periods, and come away with a new appreciation for Rain City.

Instant ticket delivery 
Duration: 1h30min
Smartphone tickets accepted 
Wheelchair accessible 
Mandatory mask 

How to get there?

Museum of Vancouver

1100 Chestnut St, BC , V6J 3J9

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