From Entente Cordiale to French South Kensington

Join me for a guided walk around Knightsbridge & South Ken to learn about the origins of the Entente Cordiale & the French quarter in London

This guided walk will be led in English by Christian Michel - French London Experience.

Home to the French Institute and the Lycée Charles de Gaulle, South Kensington has become famous as the contemporary ‘French area’ of London, an area teeming with French landmarks, buildings and history.

This tour includes the Ambassade de France, Michelin House, Institut Français, Lycée Français and the Royal Albert Hall. You’ll learn about Napoleon III, the Free French and the Entente Cordiale, whilst enjoying a gentle two-hour walk taking in some of the most beautiful parts of Hyde Park and South Kensington.

We will start from the French Embassy, close to Knightsbridge Station and on the side of Hyde Park, and then, going to Albert Memorial, to South Kensington ending in front of the Institut Français.

We will walk quite a bit, about 2 miles, with some regular short stops.

Be aware that the tour will be delivered in English and that we will go rain or shine